Monday, July 29, 2013

The 30 Day Shred Experiment

I had read some weight loss forums about doing the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels and I was really impressed with the results and the befores and afters. I have looked into Insanity and P90x but discounted both because I have fibromyalgia and I know certain things will make me sicker without necessarily building muscle.
So I decided to try doing 30 Day Shred, thinking I wouldn’t be able to make it through. I had been working out for close to an hour a day but I had to cut back. Other people may have to worry about nc property tax appeals but I need to find the time to do my taxes and it’s a busy time of year at my job. I chose this just because it’s a 30 minute workout so I figured I at least had a shot. I was surprised when I made it through. I haven’t done all 30 days consecutively because I don’t think that’s smart for any workout. The biggest problem has been my knees, which isn’t usually a problem area for me. I had to take a day off because of my knee. The biggest surprise has been that I haven’t had any of the muscle aches that other healthy people get the next day after this workout. Granted, I am on my last day of level 2 so that may change. Has anyone else tried the 30 Day Shred?

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