Monday, July 29, 2013

My New Stress Management System

I am a pretty high stress person. I work a lot so that I can take time off when I’m sick. Some people have pointed out that I probably get sick from pushing myself so hard but I don’t feel like I really have a choice at all because I have to be prepared for the not so great times.
Last month I decided to make a monthly schedule, complete with time to have fun. I decided that the fun and relaxing was just as important as the somewhat impossible work goals that I set for myself. I know this about myself so I set a range that was 1/3 lower of what I would usually ask of myself. By having some of the stress off I actually got a lot more done.
I worked really hard and got almost all of it done. However, at the end of the month I could feel my body on the verge of falling apart, like it was fragile and held together with spring pins that were too short. I knew it was time to rest but it was already time to start my goals for June. I think the idea will still work if I just put fewer things on the list. How do you manage stress?

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